ASP.NET Core Integration testing JWT authenticated APIs How to avoid bypassing authentication in integration tests or depend on external services by issuing valid tokens using a test token provider.
Authentication ASP.Net Web API + Keycloak: A love story Configuring ASP.Net to use Keycloak for authentication
Authentication Using MSAL in a React SPA with Keycloak How to set up MSAL with Keycloak using a Next.js React SPA
Security Suricata + RPi = Robin to USG's Batman The Unifi Security Gateway has a nifty threat management module which uses Suricata for IDS/IPS - however, when enabling this you will drop down to 85Mbps on your WAN
Security What you don't know may hurt you With the rise in breaches and increased focus on cyber security by companies, it is easy to forget that your home is just another IP in the sea and automated
Security Sending logs from home network to Azure Log Analytics I had this thought of using the power of the cloud to secure my home network - basically centralizing interesting logs from various devices on my home network in a
Security Automatically block malicious IPs on Unifi Security Gateway Keeping your firewall rules updated can be a tedious chore when doing it manually - especially when there is so much malicious traffic going on from multiple sources. Here's how I do it on my home network.